The SFEER project is a collaborative effort of 12 partners aiming to develop a circular window renovation concept that will accelerate building renovation processes and reduce the environmental impact of replacement. The project is made possible through funding provided by the Topsector Energie subsidy from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate within the MOOI program. It has a four-year duration, running from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2027.
The partners of the SFEER project are composed of companies, universities, and research institutes. They include ClimAd Technology, TNO, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Hemubo, GSF Glasgroep, OMT Solutions, Timmermans Hardglas, Sekisui Europe, Ecomatters, Vlakglas Recycling Nederland, and de Alliantie.
The primary goal of the SFEER project is to develop a circular window renovation concept that involves the reuse of existing glass panels and the upgrading of windows with insulating coatings and smart solar heat regulating films. The project aims to develop an innovative thermochromic PVB film, as well as two types of smart retrofit window films that contribute to lower emissions. The impact potential of the films will also be quantified during the project.
The Brightlands Materials Center is one of the partners in the SFEER project. They are responsible for developing a process to efficiently disassemble existing windows, clean the glass surface, characterize it, and provide it with insulation coatings to enable the reuse of glass plates. Brightlands Materials Center is a research center focusing on the development of sustainable materials solutions for various industries, including construction.
The SFEER project will deliver a process for glass plate reuse, a new thermochromic PVB film for laminating recycled glass to make safety glass, and new photochromic and thermochromic retrofit window films. All products developed within the SFEER circular window project are based on established technologies that have been proven at the laboratory scale and are now ready for scale-up and optimization. These technologies will be further developed to pilot scale with demonstration tests in a realistic environment.