Brightlands Materials Center is a research and development partner, specialized in (re)designing and recycling polymeric materials, composites and coatings.

We are powered by the shared expertise and facilities of The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and the Brightlands Chemelot Campus.



Our partners particularly value our ability to develop demonstrators and prototypes. Building on this proof of concept, they turn our technologies into new products and manufacturing processes.

Learn more on the contribution of Brightlands Materials Center in shaping and recycling materials for a better world.

Materials play a significant role in our societies. Careful use of valuable raw materials sources and developing a circular economy are therefore vital for building a sustainable future. Brightlands Materials Center is a focal point for accelerating these much-needed transitions.

We believe that “materials use” can – and must – be sustainable and circular; we leverage our expertise to make this possible in Buildings, Mobility, and Packaging.

Our Focus Markets